My Predictions For 2010

It's crazy to think that we're already in the 21st century! To think that just 10 years ago, computers were basically just super advanced toys that nerds used to do math... look at where we are now! Today even your grandmother can get online! But that leaves us with an important question... WHAT WILL IT LOOK LIKE IN 10 YEARS? Well, guess what? I know! How do I know? I AM INTERNET NOSTRADAMUS!!!

Okay, I'm not Internet Nostradamus, but I have some predictions, and I'll be damned if some of these don't come to life...

Computers Will Be Super Advanced

Computers today are so much more powerful than computers from even 1995. Nowadays you can do some crazy stuff with them. I predict that in 2010, we're going to have super advanced computers that can do stuff that'll seem almost magical. We're talking artificial intelligence advanced.

Computers Will Be Super Small

Remember how computers in the 70's were super bulky? You know how today, one can fit on your desk? Well, it's only natural for them to keep getting smaller. By 2010, they're going to be tiny! And with them getting more advanced, you might even be walking with one around in your pocket! If you think I'm crazy, did you know that there are currently phones right now that have the ability to access the internet? Isn't that cool!? Being able to get on the internet while in public?

No More Big CRT Screens

This goes with the "computers getting more advanced" and "computers getting smaller" predictions. By 2010, there will be no more CRT monitors! Instead, we'll all have flatscreen TVs and flatscreen computer monitors. They'll have some crazy resolutions too, thousands of pixels!

Video Games Will Look Like Real Life

Look at how much gaming has evolved from the 80s, to the 90s, to now. Gaming used to be all about pixels going left and right on a 2D plane, but now we can explore worlds in 3D! Every console looks better than the last, so if we assume there are 2-3 more console generations ahead of us, by 2010, they'll look and play like real life. We might even be doing some of that virtual reality stuff.

We'll Be Closer To World Peace

No war, famine, disease... we'll have it all solved, you'll see! Our tech will be so advanced we can deliver anything anywhere whenever it's needed

We'll All Be Super Rich

I have no doubt that by 2010 we'll all be super rich. Honestly, the economy has been doing pretty good these past few years, and I don't see why it would crash. Even if we do go to war after some idiot 3rd world dictator does stupid like killing a tower full of people, we'd crush them so easily it'd be like nothing happened. Not that something like that will ever happen, because again, we'll have world peace by 2010. We'll all have lots of money and we can shop and buy anything we want, like super advanced computers with 10,000x10,000 screen resolutions or something awesome like that.

We'll Have The Cures To More Diseases (Like Cancer)

By 2010, we'll use our super computers to help cure previously incurable diseases like cancer. It only makes sense that we'd do that.

We'll Go Back To The Moon (And Headed To Mars)

By 2010, we'll be back on the Moon building Moonbases. Can you guess what we'll use to get up there? That's right... SUPER ADVANCED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY! We'll be rich enough to put a man not only on the Moon, but we'll also be looking at Mars. I think we'll either be headed to Mars or on Mars by 2020.

Last Updated: November 7, 2024
Page Created: October 12, 2024