ImgBB Sucks, And Now I Want Your Help

If you don't know, ImgBB is an image hosting service. Think Imgur, but free and quick and you don't need an account to upload pictures. I used their service to host a few images for my site, mostly when I was lazy and didn't want to login or couldn't login to my Imgur account.

Recently, the site has changed how it displays images. Apparently, images that are old or "rarely viewed" take a long time to display on pages, which include images I uploaded. This means that several pages on this site are completely broken, because images are taking a long time to display.

What does this have to do with you? I am in the process of completely replacing these broken images on my site; however, many things do slip through the cracks. Sometimes I miss something and don't realise it.

If you're scrolling through this site, and find a broken image, please tell me. You can e-mail me, comment on my profile, whatever. Just please alert me to any broken pages on the site.

Broken ImgBB images look like the one below:

Sincerely, Crackworth.


Last Updated: August 4, 2024
Page Created: August 4, 2024