I Don't Like The Olympics

I can't stand the Olympics. To me, they're nothing more than international dick-measuring competitions where nations compete to see who can dope up their athletes on drugs the most without being caught (SPOILER ALERT: It's always the USA, Russia, China, and a mixed assortment of Western/European nations).

Not to mention how commercial they are. As much as people say "Oh, the Olympics isn't commercialised because there are no ads allowed in it!!1!", that argument holds little merit when the moment you step outside an Olympic stadium you're bombarded with ads and sponsorship deals with the Olympic logo proudly plastered all over them. Take their Coca-Cola sponsorships for example, take a moment to think about how ridiculous they really are, "the Olympics is for SPORTS and EXERCISE, but also make sure to drink a Coca-Cola! An unhealthy, sugar-filled, liquid candy!"

There are far more reasons to dislike the Olympics though...

1) They're Expensive

Hosting the Olympics is expensive, and it gets more expensive every year. Every Olympic game has gone over-budget. One of the worst cases was the 1976 games, where Montreal ended up incurring $1.5 billion in debt to build their Olympic stadium, way above the projected $124 million. It took them 3 decades to pay that debt off. Additionally, the costs of the 2004 Athens games contributed to Greece's debt crisis.

Don't forget the costs of maintaining the stadium after the games are over. Many of them end up abandoned, or if they are reused, bring in less money than they are worth (the promises of tourist money are overblown).

Why would any rational person want to host the games, knowing that the chance of ending up with nothing but a large debt is all but certain? It's better to put that money to good use elsewhere.

2) They're Corrupt

Who would've guessed that a highly watched international competition where nations compete with each other to see who's the best would lead to corruption?

Bids are rigged and contracts go out to specific people government officials like.

In Rio, the government forcefully evicted people from their homes just to build the Olympic stadium. Similar things happened in London and Tokyo in 2012 and 2020 respectively.

Athletes use drugs to enhance their abilities, it's just a matter of "don't get caught". Despite that, some countries still get to go to the Olympics despite being discovered to use drugs (Russia).

3) They're Boring

Nobody watches the Olympics because they like the sports. Let's all be honest, the only reasons people watch the Olympics is to see the athletes in skin-tight suits and to see their country win. Plus, it's always the same athletes competing against each other every year. This goes back to my first complaint, that they are nothing more than international dick-measuring contests where countries compete over who can win the most worthless gold medals. There's a reason countries keep sending the same people to compete over and over again.

Last Updated: August 6, 2024
Page Created: August 6, 2024