My Thoughts On The Sonic Games

Sonic The Hedgehog

I like this game. It was lightyears better than the garbage platformers that were being pumped out at the time. Some people dislike the fact that it has no spindash, or dislike how slow some of the levels are, but I personally don't have these grievances.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2

I like playing it, but I hate the special stages, those half pipes are the WORST!

Sonic CD

There was once a time when this game was lauded as one of the best Sonic games ever. This was probably due to its enigmaticness, a lot of people couldn't play it back then since it was only for Mega CD, and rarely came out in compilations. When the Taxman port came out, everybody realised that CD wasn't what it was hyped up to be, and now its dropped in ranking. Personally, I think it's an alright game, but when I first started playing I got really frusturated with it since I had no idea where some of the robot generators and Metal Sonic projections were, and getting to them was confusing. For example, did you know getting crushed by a pipe in Wacky Workbench takes you to a robot generator? The special stages are also pure agony. The Taxman port is good, the original not so much.

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles

One of the greatest Sonic games in the original trilogy, and maybe even in the whole series. With 3 playable characters, Hyper forms, good special stages, fun bonus stages a soundtrack made by Micheal Jackson, top-tier level design, what's not to love?

Sonic The Hedgehog 3

In my opinion, Sonic 3 standalone is the better of the two games that make up S3&K. Sonic 3's level design is stronger than S&K's. Not to mention that this game has a save system while Sonic & Knuckles doesn't.

Sonic & Knuckles

Sonic & Knuckles is fun, but the lack of a save system really killed a lot of my enjoyment for the game. Despite that, Lava Reef and Sky Sanctuary are my favourite zones in S3&K and they came out in Sonic & Knuckles.

Sonic Adventure

The first game I got for Dreamcast. I loved it. It had a great soundtrack, good levels (at least for Sonic, Knuckles, and Gamma), and even if the game has aged horribly, it's still fun to pick up and play. Even today, something about it still has an enigmatic, mysterious feeling to it to me. (The GameCube port sucks though). Its DLC is how I got introduced to the wider Dreamcast online community.

Sonic Adventure 2

I love this game. I think it has a great story, the characters are fun to play, and it has a godly soundtrack. I like the Chao Garden too.

Sonic Heroes

Never played it. I would've played it on PS3 had the Superslim version been able to run PS2 games. I couldn't even buy it on the Playstation Store. I might hack my PS3 in the future when the servers shut down to play it, as to make sure my PS account doesn't get banned.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

To be honest, when I first played this game, I was expecting to experience more bugs and glitches than I actually got. I don't know if it's because the internet has overblown 06's problems, or if I just never found them somehow. While I think the gameplay is fine, the character models and the way they move don't look good to me. The story is.. fine... but the infamous kiss at the end was one of the worst things I've ever seen come out of this series.

Sonic Unleashed

Probably one of the best Sonic games ever. I love the daytime sections and their speed, and I'm neutral on the night sections. Not to mention the game looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, and has a beautiful story. It was a step in the right direction after the disaster that was 06.

Sonic Colours

A fine Sonic game. Ultimate isn't as bad as people say.

Sonic Generations

It's fun to see Classic and Modern Sonic interact in this game, but the story is lackluster. The levels are pretty good (especially Rooftop Run) except Planet Wisp (that level can burn in hell).

Sonic Lost World

Never played.

Sonic Forces

Never played.

Sonic Frontiers

An open world Sonic game! FINALLY! Good music, GODLY boss fights, but I don't like how many of the game's obstacles are literally just floating pieces of rails and platforms. I also don't like how dirty they did Supreme's first boss fight (the second phase looked creepy though!)

Last Updated May 22, 2024
Page Created March 1, 2024