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Privacy Policy

At CKW News, we do not take your privacy seriously at all.

How we collect your information:
We use state-of-the-art technology (nanobots) to search your device for data.

What information we collect:
We collect every piece of user data we can about you. While we usually strive to collect your IP address, browsing history, saved passwords, bookmarks, download history, installed apps, DNA, and more, we are willing to collect even your junk mail if it means we can get one extra cent from it.

What we do with your information:
All user information collected on this web site can and will be sold to advertisers and other third parties. We hold the right to sell all your user data to anyone we feel like.

How we sell your information:
We sell your information by printing out your user data, going to a shady alley late at night, and selling your data to the person who meets us there.

Where your data is stored:
As a .txt file on a server located inside an abandoned warehouse in Belarus.

How to opt-out from data collection/How to request collected data deletion:
Click here for information about how to opt-out and/or delete your data.