How To Web 1.0
A guide to making your page look vintage


Web 1.0 Examples
Misc Tips


First and foremost when making an old web styled web site, learn to code with HTML yourself! It isn't that hard, anyone can pick it up within a week to a few weeks (or even a few days) if they really try. Stay away from modern web site builders like Wix and Squarespace, since they're designed with modern web standards in mind. Trying to make an old looking web site on one of those modern web site builders just looks fake. Instead of using those, consider using an old HTML editor like Microsoft Frontpage 2000 (fun fact, I'm using Frontpage 2000 to make this very page you're reading right now!), even something like Notepad is a fine choice.


As for CSS, while I'm not against using it, I think it's better to use as little CSS as possible when making Web 1.0 sites. I myself only really use it to change the colour of links.

Use Old & Deprecated HTML Tags

Use old and deprecated HTML tags like <marquee> and <center>, remember that the HTML of your site is essentially replacing all the functions of CSS. Also, do everything with tables.

Last Updated: June 6, 2024
Page Created: June 2, 2024